7 1.95 mb for setup, 216 kb for exe only
7 A Winsock IP Chatroom
7 Ability to draw pictures to one another
7 Ability to save SN's and settings to file
7 Ability to get stock charts
7 Ability to check horoscopes
7 Ability to get miscellaneous comics of the weeks
7 Ability to print info
7 Event sounds added so chatroom responds to 'lol'
7 Ability to play midi's
7 Ability to set maximum number of people in chat
7 Ability to boot members
7 You can change fore/back colors of the Info boxes
7 Ability to get U.S. weather maps, updated often.
7 Note: This program was designed for 800x600 resolution and higher.
This program was made by YoSHi. It started off as a sample winsock chat sample I downloaded from a website, made by rich. His email address is [email protected] and you can visit his webpage at http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Campus/6818/.
Cute FTP 2.8 32 Bit (Setup Exe)
7 1.23 mb
7 632 kb
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